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Reckless; indifferent to the consequences of ones actions and/or words. In other words, I'm a middle aged woman who's been through much to much to ever again give serious credence to the small stuff.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Living in The Real World

It seems to be getting harder and harder to live in the world today, real or imagined. Politics are so out of hand and out of control we should be frightened by them but we let the blow hards in Washington and in our neighborhoods and social networks tell us what THEY think we ought to believe. Many don't even question, we just raise our invisible rebel flags and let them fly. Others just agree while pulling their money closer to them, cradling it in their arms in an attempt to protect it from who they consider undeserving. Still others spend time circulating flaccid emails about Obama, many of which only stand to show their own ignorance. I would rather not send any and have people wonder about my intelligence, than to send them and take away any doubt. We are all entitled to our own feelings when it comes to politics, religion, and numerous other touchy subjects out there, but is it really right of us to try and cram those beliefs down everyone's throat? I think not, but I am just one.


  1. Very nicely put and I agree with every bit of it. As soon as I hit "hide" on all of my Facebook friends who post too much of the ultra-conservative right wing gibberish, I felt happier. I highly recommend it.

  2. Yesssss ... blog post #1. Keep going!

  3. great blog kerri..i very much agree with you!! looking forward to more! :)
